In parallel with bug fixes (and the 5.0.2 release of today), I am working in the future 5.1 release. It will be aligned with Marlin 2.x and, as a result of your votes, it will implement the support for filament out / jam sensors (be able to detect filament and pause the print when an error condition occurs).
Still following your votes, the next features that will be implemented (after 5.1) are:
- Implement SD card file management. Be able to navigate in folders on the SD card.
- Diagnostic routines for troubleshooting vibrations and mechanical issues. Add some LCD panels to make repetitive movements and help tracing down mechanical issues or isolating vibration sources in order to improve printing quality.
- Skew compensation implementation. There are often either very slight or very noticeable misalignments in the axes, and skew correction can “fix” these misalignments.