This release has an import bug fix for some users:
- #324 - For some users, Load and Unload commands get stuck on Please wait screen
- #320 - BLTouch Testing: when choosing “Yes Slowly” on the red LED blinking step, the instructions are contradictory
- As usual, supporters of the project on Patreon can find the pre-built binaires in ADVi3++ Binaries .
User Manual
- The User Manual has been updated.
Source code
Complete and up to date sources are published on GitHub :
- advi3++ branch for the latest stable release (ie. 5.5.1)
- advi3++dev branch for the sources under development (be careful, they are not compiling sometimes).
- All releases have also an associated tag
For support requests, please ask your question on ADVi3++ Community - Get Help . I reply to support requests only there. You can also use the search feature in order to look for past similar issues.