This release has several enhancement and bug fixes:
- #318 - Thermal runaway error is not always displayed on the LCD screen
- #317 - G-Code M114 response breaks Octolapse
- #313 - Cancel automatic leveling
- #312 - Detect and prevent bounces
- #311 - Restore Z-offset in Sensor Settings
- #310 - Add steps in BLTouch Tuning for cases when the BLTouch is blinking red
- #308 - Update description of Print Settings pane
- #307 - Versions over 5.0.3 having issues accessing SD card files
- #306 - Fast probing with BLTouch
- #293 - BLTouch - warning on transposed black and white wires
- #296 - Manual jog controls disturb homing function, triggering “Homing failed” hardware error
- #294 - If print menu is accessed while printer is moving, it shows as if it’s printing
- #267 - Live Flow Tuning
- #238 - M851 should accept all offset arguments, not just Z offset
- #153 - Graph as default view or GCode to show the graph view
This release is also aligned with the latest version of Marlin (2.1.1).
- As usual, supporters of the project on Patreon can find the pre-built binaires in ADVi3++ Binaries .
User Manual
- The User Manual has been updated.
Source code
Complete and up to date sources are published on GitHub :
- advi3++ branch for the latest stable release (ie. 5.5.0)
- advi3++dev branch for the sources under development (be careful, they are not compiling sometimes).
- All releases have also an associated tag
For support requests, please ask your question on ADVi3++ Community - Get Help . I reply to support requests only there. You can also use the search feature in order to look for past similar issues.